Capability:Mom’s kids are big fans of Percy Jackson as is my eldest so I thought I’d speed through the book, review it and pass it on. I read about a page when said eldest noticed the book and appropriated it for herself. Three days later she pronounced the book even better than the Percy Jackson series which is a huge compliment because she sped through the Percy Jackson series in a matter of weeks.
Snarky Boardbook Review: My Foodie ABC and 123 Boston
Blame this on a late night iPad binge blog reading session, chortling late into the night reading Go Fug Yourself but I have discovered the inner snark in myself and have applied it to a new and puzzling board book called My Foodie ABC: A Little Gourmet’s Guide by Puck.
Amazing Adolescent with Cancer Young Adult Book
Ever After Ever was one of the books that I read twice in quick succession and cried through each reading. It’s hard to find a book that makes you laugh and makes you cry simultaneously but this book manages to do both.
The Nurse with the Red Clown Nose ebook to Teach Kids about Cancer
“All StoryBoy sales proceeds benefit the Children’s Cancer Foundation. An uplifting story that is a wonderful way to introduce a serious illness to kids and to teach them to always keep laughing.”
Favorite Books for Preschool to 5th Grade
I found this great site, , with extensive reading lists specific to each grade. If your child is finishing up their summer reading and still needs a book or two, this is a great resource.
Math Karaoke App for Singing Multiplication Facts
You can eliminate the singing torture for both you and your child by using the Math Karaoke app from Rega Interactive. Why? Because my kids actually LOVE singing the math fact tables into the app and then playing them back.
Top 10: Best Boy AND Girl Characters in Adult and Children’s Books
I found this pair of posts on some great blogs and the dicotomy of boys versus girls made me want to post them both. I have not read all these books, but these lists make me want to! Thank you MustLoveBooks and ConsumedByBooks!