Thank you to New England Donor Services for having me present to their Employee Resource Group (ERG)’s Author Lunch and Learn series: New England Donor Services staff had the opportunity to hear from author Mia Wenjen on her inspiration and passion for amplifying voices from underrepresented communities, especially Asian American voices, in children’s books. Thank…
18 Great Diverse Books for Read Your World Day!
In celebration of Read Your World Day on January 30th, I am sharing reviews of diverse children’s books that I’ve received. We will be giving away book bundles at our Virtual Party. It will be held at 9 pm EST on January 30th. Sign up here for Read Your World Virtual Party 18…
MassAudubon Drumlin Farm in Lincoln MA
I worked with Rina at MassAudubon on an Early Education Farm-to-Table education curriculum development project for preschools and home daycare providers in Mattapan, Massachusetts. Food for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World was selected as one of the titles for the book resources. Rina invited me to visit her at Drumlin Farm. I had…
We Took a Perfume Making Class in Paris!
Our perfume-making class at Molinard turned out to be the most popular activity of our trip! Not only did we learn how to make perfume, but we made our own bespoke fragrance which we were able to bring home. The bottle of perfume was also only 3 ounces so it made it through airport security…
Dorktales Podcast: Simon Tam, Hidden Hero of History
I’m thrilled that Dorktales Podcast created a podcast featuring Simon Tam based on my latest picture book, WE SING FROM THE HEART. You can listen to it wherever you find podcasts or you can watch it: There is also a FREE activity guide that goes along with the podcast. According to Dorktales…
Visting the Dior Museum in Paris!
My friend from Aquent who grew up in Paris but now lives in London told me to buy tickets to the Dior Museum. She said that everyone would like it, not just fashionistas. It is a spectacularly laid-out museum, with displays of not just haute couture but history! I wish we had time to eat…
WE SING FROM THE HEART is Orbis Pictus Recommended Book
I was at NCTE 2024 in Boston when I heard that We Sing From the Heart was recognized as an Orbis Pictus Recommended Book for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children. Thank you so much to the NCTE Orbis Pictus committee for this honor! We Sing From The Heart: How The Slants® Took Their Fight for…