My son graduated from Newton North High School and it was a very different graduation from his middle sister’s in 2020, the year of the pandemic lockdown! We got him dressed up for this occasion after realizing that he doesn’t own pants that are not sweatpants! My husband had the lei flown in honor of…
Category: Parenting
My blog covers education and children’s books. When I cover parenting issues, it usually contains book recommendations. Parenting topics include academic subjects, summer learning, bullying, special needs, fitness and more.
6 Easy Styling Tips To Instantly Pull Your Guest Bedroom Together
Have you ever stayed at someone’s house and instantly felt like royalty? If you couldn’t put your finger on what made the room feel great, keep reading. We are sharing 6 quick styling tips to pull your guest bedroom together. Employ these tips to make your guests feel extra special when they visit. You’ll be…
My Kids Try Filipino Food in Chicago!
My kids grew up eating Filipino food but just a few basics that we know how to prepare ourselves such as “Sour Soup” or Sinigang, and pork Adobo. I searched for Filipino restaurants in the Boston area but the only one specializing in Filipino cuisine closed down during Covid and never reopened. When we visited…
My Son’s Senior Prom Photos
It was an unusually hot day which made taking prom pictures that much harder, especially for anyone wearing a suit and tie! Luckily, the evening cooled down a bit. The seniors took a bus from school to the prom site. This year, it was at the New England Aquarium! A mediocre dinner was served there…
Dual diagnosis adolescent treatment centers for trauma
I have had several relatives who suffered from both a mental disorder coupled with drug misuse. It can be very challenging for their loved ones to know what to do and how to best respond. Here is some helpful research and resources. Dual diagnosis implies someone who suffers from both a mental disorder and a…
My Son’s 12th Grade Art Exhibit
My son’s 12 grade art exhibit included a case of his work for being an Art Major for four years. His self-portrait was also on display in his art classroom. This was his first attempt at using oil paint. He’s also painting a two-panel mural. I include his beleaguered Danny Davito drawing which was rejected…
Please Visit Maui!
My husband’s college roommate, Michael Castillo, is visiting us here in Boston. He’s the head pro for The Plantation Course on Kapalua, a resort in Maui. The fires have been devastating and it’s not always clear what is the best way to help those affected. I talked to Michael for ideas. The first, and most…