Celebrating my birthday with Random Acts of Kindness.
Category: Do Good
Ideas to teach kids kindness, compassion and giving back.
Random Acts of Kindness to Celebrate My Upcoming Birthday
Planning my birthday with 48 random acts of kindess.
Gifts for Mother in Laws (Day 4), 12 Days of Shopping
Gift ideas for mother-in-laws and mothers too if you give them the same thing. We also have ideas for the perfect father-in-law present!
Giving Back With My Kids for Operation Christmas Child
#OCCGiving @OCC_shoeboxes #OCCGiveBack
7 Great Thanksgiving Picture Books on Gratitude
What we are thankful for on Thanksgiving and 21 days of gratitude! Also Thanksgiving books for kids that transport kids back to the time when the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower and landed in the New World.
Charities for Kids to Support
Can you teach children to care about those less fortunate? If you are teaching your kids financial literacy with Spend, Save, Donate, the holidays are a great time to visit the Donate portion. I have a list of worthy non-profits that kids can relate to and invite you to suggest more.
Why Volunteering Abroad as a Teen is Crucial
International Student Volunteer Opportunities for high school students gives kids the experience they need to get into their college of choice.