The Newton Children’s Book Festival was a big success! We had more than one thousand parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, librarians, and children come to our event in search of authors and illustrators to meet! Our line up of 60+ authors and illustrators was the primary reason for our big draw. It was also great fun…
Category: My Book Events
Our Millis Story & Song Holiday Kids’ Book Fair was great fun!
It was such fun to hang out with authors Sandra Elaine Scott, Mia Wenjen, Kelly Carey, Nancy Tupper Ling, and musical performer Elijah T. Grasshopper. Elija T. Grasshopper performed songs with participation from Sandra Elaine Scott and Kelly Carey. Sandra Elaine Scott also read THE BLACK UNICORN, and I read about the gymnasts featured in…
Our Story and Song Festival in Millis, MA
Erin Dionne, Kelly Carey, and I were invited to participate in a Story and Song Festival in Millis, Massachusetts organized by singer and illustrator Robert Zammarchi. Robert has brought new life to Niagara Hall in Millis by creating a performance showcase for his town. This is one example of the events that he created. Thank…
I had a great time at the Louisville Book Festival!
I had so much fun at the Louisville Book Festival despite still recovering from Bell’s Palsy. You might notice that my smile is a little weird from partial face paralysis thanks to Bell’s Palsy. Deedee Cummings, a fabulous board member of Read Your World, created the Louisville Book Festival in 2020 to address the book…
Innovation Showcase: The Inaugural Newton Children’s Book Festival
Thank you to Jay Sugarman and the Innovation Showcase for featuring the Inaugural Newton Children’s Book Festival! p.s. Related posts: Announcing the Inaugural Newton Children’s Book Festival! I’ll be at the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival 2024! To examine any book more closely at Amazon, please click on image of book. As an…
Join Me at the Millis Story and Song Holiday Kids’ Book Fair
I’m thrilled to be part of the Millis Story and Song Holiday Kids’ Book Fair! I hope you can join us on Saturday, December 21st from 11 am to 2 pm at the Niagara Coffee Haus in Millis, MA! To examine any book more closely at Amazon, please click on image of…
How Stories Can Help Students Feel Brave and Take Risks – NCTE Boston Presentation
Lorien Lawrence, Janae Marks, Dan Poblocki, and Mia Wenjen gave this panel at NCTE Boston 2024. Every day, teachers ask students to be brave and take risks with both academics and social interactions. Sometimes, though, students doubt their own bravery. That’s where books come in — they’re the perfect medium to model courage…