We chose Guys Read: Other Worlds for our second 3rd Grade Book Club for Boys. Our first was a book swap and was meant to warm the boys up into believing that Book Club for Boys is SUPER FUN AND EXCITING! And, by parallel, reading is too! Did it work? Yes! They all showed up again!…
Category: Book Club for Kids
Setting up and running a book club for kids with book and activity suggestions. Book club for kids ages 5 and up.
3rd Grade Book Club for Boys and 6th Grade Book Club for Girls
We held our first book club meetings for my 3rd grade son and my 6th grade daughter now that fall soccer is over and the kids all have a little more free time. PickyKidPix‘s 6th grade book club met at her friend Caroline’s house and my son hosted his 3rd grade book club at our…
5 Children’s Books About Sticks and Stick Activities
I lured my son out to the dog park which is a wooded path around a reservoir with the promise of finding sticks for making bows and arrows. Left to his own devices, he will stay in front of screens for hours upon hours. We made several trips in search of sticks, which are excellent,…
Lemonade Stand Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs: 100 Days of Play
I’m thrilled to be joining Sun Scholars and 99 other bloggers for 100 Days of Play! Need play ideas? Please join us as we explore ideas for playful learning! With nice weather finally arriving in New England, I’ve seen numerous lemonade stand ideas pop up in my neighborhood. It’s been fun to support the neighborhood…
Percy Jackson Book Club for Boys
Our Percy Jackson The Lightening Thief graphic novel book club for little boys was low key but successful. We made duct tape swords while answering trivia questions and eating spaghetti.
Kane Chronicles Series Activities for Kids: Poppins Book Nook
This month the Poppins Book Nook is about Wizards. I looked up the definition to make sure that my book choice was appropriate. Wizards, Sorcerers and Magicians, Oh My! wiz·ard (wzrd) n. 1. One who practices magic; a sorcerer or magician. 2. A skilled or clever person: a wizard at math. 3. Archaic A sage. Wizards (or Magicians) in Rick Riordan’s…
A Little Too Exciting Flying Trapeze Book Club for Kids
Flying trapeze book club for kids using The Girl Who Could Fly and an outing to the Trapeze School of New York! Book club for my 5th grader.