I do love a good Top 10 List and this chapter book children’s book list for ages 10-14 (middle-school-girl-ish-give-or-take-a-year-or-two) from ChristinaReads is a really good one with her childhood favorites!
Author: Pragmatic Mom
New Erica S. Perl Book: Dotty
Imagine my surprise when I read her new book, Dotty:
There are no chickens involved whatsoever!
The book does not rhyme!
The theme of the book tackles twin issues of growing up and fitting in.
The book celebrates The Teacher Who Makes a Difference!
Best Books for Kids from Australia
These are the winners to the Australian Children’s Book Council for 2010 in the categories of Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood, Picture Book of the Year, and Eve Pownall Award for Information Book of the Year. For a complete list of winners including the books that won an Honorable Mention, please see TrevorCairney’s blog.
Tips for Hooking Reluctant Readers
I believe that all it takes to create a reader is the right book. Finding that tale is the trick. So how do you pick books that will hook reluctant readers? Each child is different, with very particular tastes. Nevertheless, here are some key elements that engage child readers, along with some suggested titles …
NERDS: A series for Reluctant Readers
This is from FunKidsLive. It looked like a great book series for reluctant boy readers. NERDS (which stands for National Espionage, Rescue and Defense Society) is a new book series by Michael Buckley.
How To: Cope after the Unbearable Loss of a Child
The thought of a child dying brings overwhelming emotion to any parent. But for those who have actually experience the unbearable loss of a child, Randy Gilbert, the guest author of her post, suggests two helpful ideas:
Don’t try to rush the grief journey. Let it be in your own time. Everyone is different and grieves in his or her own way.
Find what works for you.
Top 7: Habits of Highly Effective Special Needs Parents
I’ve seen it time and again: the more you practice these 7 Habits, the more productive and efficient you become, the more you’re able to handle whatever comes your way, and the more things fall into place in your life. Many of these habits are about taking excellent care of yourself, so you can continue to take excellent care of your children and family.