Please welcome author Charlotte Offsay with her list of 10 New Hanukkah-Themed Picture Books!
I love the Jewish holidays. They are filled with family, tradition, and yummy food. Hanukkah is particularly special to me as it includes all of these things, while also leaving me with a sense of gratitude and a desire to spread light and warmth far and wide. I spend the holiday surrounded by loved ones cooking up and sharing festive foods that have been passed down from generation to generation, feeling grateful for the strength and resilience of the Jewish people, and remembering those less fortunate.
I wrote Eight Sweet Nights, A Festival of Lights – A Hanukkah Story, in hopes of honoring these traditions and helping to spread that Hanukkah light just a little further. Here is a list of new Hanukkah releases that I am particularly excited about.
10 New Hanukkah-Themed Picture Books
Eight Sweet Nights, A Festival of Lights: A Hanukkah Story by Charlotte Offsay, illustrated by Menahem Halberstadt
It’s time to start counting sleeps—Hanukkah is coming! Shimmering, shining, sparkling. Eight sweet nights, a festival of lights.” A warm and yummy Hanukkah-themed picture book about the joys of coming together to celebrate with family and food. The book highlights the importance and joy of passing along traditions from one generation to the next and making new traditions too. Informative sidebars provide additional information about Hanukkah words and the afterward provides historical background on the holiday. [picture book, ages 3 and up]
Little Dreidel Learns to Spin by Rebecca Gardyn Levington, illustrated by Taryn Johnson
A young dreidel struggles to “whirl and swirly-spin” like her older cousins. She tries and becomes frustrated, but with a pause and observation, she begins to practice and eventually finds success. An adorable rhyming read-aloud that encourages patience and persistence, and is sure to make readers pull out their own driedels and start practicing! [picture book, ages 3 and up]
A Dragon for Hanukkah by Sarah Mlynowski, illustrated by Ariel Landy
A young girl is delighted when she is given a dragon for the first night of Hanukkah. She goes on to be gifted a rainbow, a treasure chest, a merry-go-round, and other fantastical things. On the eighth night, it is her turn to gift instead. She packs up her old toys, donates them, and then heads off to celebrate with family and friends. A magical story filled with fun, family, and tradition. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
Beam of Light: The Story of the First White House Menorah by Elisa Boxer, illustrated by Sofia Moore
A piece of wood was saved from an old ceiling of The White House by President, Harry S. Truman before it was renovated. The beam was sent to storage through the terms of thirteen presidents until it was finally taken out and turned into a menorah. President Joseph Biden made the menorah the first in the White House’s permanent collection. A moving story that beautifully illustrates and honors the importance and symbolism of the White House Menorah. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
10 Things I Love About Hanukkah by Natalie Barnes, illustrated by Aviel Basil
A young child lists the ten things she loves about Hanukkah and details the traditions for readers as she goes. From making and lighting the menorah to going to synagogue, from retelling the Hanukkah story to enjoying yummy oily treats, this sweet new book entertains, informs, and offers a window and mirror to the joys of Hanukkah. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
Gingerbread Dreidels by Jane Breskin Zalben, illustrated by Thai Phuong
This year Sophie and Max are celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas at the same time. This endearing book shows how traditions can be honored, shared, and blended. I love that it shows being together is what really matters most and encourages readers to celebrate in the way that works best for them and their own unique family. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
The Light from My Menorah: Celebrating Holidays around the World by Robin Heald, illustrated by Andrea Blinick
A young boy lights his menorah and then follows the lights to see how many other cultures incorporate light into their own celebrations. I love how this book illustrates so many different celebrations while showing how we are all connected. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
Hanukkah Pajamakkahs by Dara Henry, illustrated by Olga Ivanov and Aleksey Ivanov
It is the first night of Hanukkah and Ruthie receives pajamakkahs – Hanukkah-themed pjs! Ruthie promises to keep them clean for the party on the last night of Hanukkah but throughout the eight days of celebrating, they become covered in the festivities. I love that this book shows a fun fresh way into the holiday while also making me giggle about my own kids’ Hanukkah pjs that are also always covered with our family fun during those eight magical nights. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
Uri and the King of Darkness: A Hanukkah Story by Nati Bait, illustrated by Carmel Ben Ami
In this sweet rhyming story two children are waiting for their dad to come home for the first night of Hanukkah. One of the children, Uri worries about what has happened to his dad. His imagination runs wild, thinking that an elephant is blocking his way or enemy soldiers have attacked. The children pretend to battle the evil King of Darkness and defeat him just like the Macabees are triumphant in the Hanukkah story. They fill their home with light and their father comes home with a special treat of jelly donuts to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah and light the candles together. [picture book, ages 4 and up]
Hanukkah Hippity-Hop by Barbara Kimmel, illustrated by Ana Zurita
This interactive rhyming board book celebrates all the ways we enjoy Hanukkah. This book will have you marching, shaking, jumping, and spinning your way through the holiday! [board book, ages 1 and up]
Charlotte Offsay was born in England, grew up in Boston, and currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children. She is an active bookstagrammer, SCBWI, 12×12, and Inked Voices member.
Charlotte is the author of Matzah Day, illustrated by Jason Kirschner (Holiday House, 2025), Eight Sweet Nights, A Festival of Lights, illustrated by Menahem Halberstadt (Doubleday Books for Young Readers, 2024), The Quiet Forest, illustrated by Abi Cushman (SSBFYR/Paula Wiseman Books, 2024), Challah Day, illustrated by Jason Kirschner (Holiday House, 2023), A Grandma’s Magic, illustrated by Asa Gilland (Doubleday Books for Young Readers, 2022), The Big Beach Cleanup, illustrated by Kate Rewse (Albert Whitman, 2021), and How to Return a Monster, illustrated by Rea Zhai (Beaming Books, 2021).
Learn more about Charlotte’s work at and follow her on Twitter and Tiktok at @COffsay and on Instagram at @picturebookrecommendations. Charlotte is represented by Nicole Geiger at Full Circle Literary.
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Cannot have enough Hanukkah books! We look forward to checking out these new titles. Thank you!